Joining quilt Monday

I was hoping that I would have a finished quilt to post today, but alas, it didn’t happen. Here it is on paper:


My mom helped me pick fabric and pay for the fabric and cut the fabric and piece it together, and for the last month I have been quilting it. E V E R Y S Q U A R E I N C H. What was I thinking? I just can’t do anything the easy way. I’m swirly stippling this baby in its 108″x108″ enormity. My aching wrists are sure jealous of Amy’s mom’s quilting machine. Rolling and scrunching this king size beast into my Brother is doable– just barely.

It’s a wedding present for my brother. I hope he likes it. We’re on our way to Boise for the festivities, and to finish the quilt, and to see some real mountains, and to camp in those real mountains.

Oh, and the good news out in crafty bolg land is that Denyse Schmidt is coming out with a new book this fall! I’ve been dreaming of this since I bought my first issue of Martha Stewart Living that featured her back in like 1999. I’ve been studying her quilts (well, the tiny pictures of them I find on her website and in magazine articles) for years. It is a book that I simply must have.


I’m pretty proud of myself today. I braved a little fiber arts store and an art supply store today. With. Three. Kids. Three ANGELIC children. We had fun! They came when I called them and for the most part didn’t touch things they weren’t supposed to!! And Jonah didn’t scream. NOT ONCE!! I came home with a new sketch book and some rug hooking supplies. I stumbled on this yesterday and my mind has been flooded with ideas. Little quilts–why didn’t I think of that? It’s like drawing and painting with fabric and thread!! I have some friends who do rug hooking, so I’m excited to transform some sketches of my tress and back yard birds into little works of art.

Anyway, not too much drawing today, but all that’s required is some—and it doesn’t have to be good.

