Time’s up

Well, the auctions ended. 5 of the 6 things I had up for sale sold. I say that’s pretty good. I will be listing more in a day or so.

My friend Terrah sent me this article. It’s about a new spinning shop in Logan. Oh, Logan. Beautiful place. I love that town. When I grow up I want to live there forever. Anyway, I think I will stop by this new shop and try to peddle my wares. I mean, don’t you think the fact I graduated from Utah State University right there in town could be a selling point? I don’t know. I think it would be cool.

On another note, I have had a crazy week so far. I have been fully initiated into Relief Society President-hood. And though I could write all about it and make it sound pretty funny, that would be totally inappropriate. What I feel like I can say is this: Heavenly Father is in control. I have been guided and strengthened and able to do more in a day than I ever thought I could. He loves each of us perfectly and infinitely–and in this position it is my blessing to feel that and try to share it as I care for others. What a blessing!