April’s got a blog

I REALLY REALLY REALLY miss my friend April. She helped me stay sane, sharing homeschool woes and triumphs, getting together at least weekly for our kids to play. We learned about spinning together, quilted, went on bike rides and adopted each other’s obsessions.

Then she moved to Seattle and I have felt like a fish out of water here without her and her kids to keep my kids company.

But now she’s got a blog, so at least I don’t just have to hear her description of her quilts over the phone and use my imagination, but I can actually see them (albeit small enough to fit on a computer monitor).


Here’s a quilt for her about to be born baby. She is amazningly talented. She’s an awesome knitter and made her own pattern for a rabbit, teddy bear, and clothes to dress them in.

Check out By Small Means regularly and you will be as happy to know April as I am.

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