All dressed up


This is a favorite spot here in Ohio. It’s Carriage Hill Metropark farm–a living history park set in the 1880s and very close to our house. It is so beautiful and peaceful, so we go often. We watch the lambs and piglets grow, collect chicken feathers, chase the turkey. We walk through the farm house to the warmth of the woodstove and something baking in the oven. Sometimes there will be someone spinning or knitting and I think–“I would love to do that! I could totally do that. I could sit and spin or sew all dressed up in period clothing. I would love that.” So, there I am, all dressed in period clothing! I’m going to be a 19th century homemaker one Saturday a month:)

I just finished a 5 week class to learn the basics of woodstove cooking, 1880s fashion (unfortunately I just don’t have the right hair, but oh well), and most importantly sewing on the foot treadle sewing machine. I am beside myself excited about hand-dying some fabric with period dyes (they will supply me with whatever I want and do research to teach me!) and piecing a quilt on the foot treadle sewing machine. They have merino sheep and wool galore that I can spin! I am way excited and will take good pictures everytime I go so that you all can get a feel of 19th century women’s lives right along with me.

Taking this class has helped me feel really connected to the women who came before me. I spent the evening yesterday reading through family histories my mom had compiled from her dad’s side. I love those women, my grandmas who sacrificed so much for what they believed and worked so hard just to survive. I will bring them with me each time I go and try to learn a little bit about what it was like to live with them.

And I’ll develop a real appreciation for modern underwear and flush toilets!

9 thoughts on “All dressed up

  1. OOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhh, I’m so jealous. I really would love to be your neighbour. Wish I could come to visit you and have a chat. Good luck and lots of fun with it.

  2. Lovely!! I am just pea-green as well! WHat FUN you will have. I’ve been wanting to learn how to spin for so long. Look forward to your updates – take pictures!!

  3. What part of Ohio is Carriage Hill Metropark farm? I am so jealous. It sounds like so much fun. Do they do the classes oftern? Have you gone to the Ohio Historical Village in Columbus?

  4. isn’t it great? i was a first-person historical interperter twice at my local historic site. i loved learning about retting flax, candle dipping, dyeing, fireplace cooking, spinning, etc. only mine was 1791, so your experiences were much more modern than mine.

  5. What a lovely job!

    You could pretend that you are Jo March (from Little Women) and that you cut off your hair for some romantic heroic reason. :)

  6. Ok. that is by far the coolest thing in the whole world. My daughter would LOVE to do this. She obsessivly watches those PBS shows. Lucky girl!

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