Go-go Gocco!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! I just checked my e-mail and had an inbox full of birthday wishes!! Wowee, that’s fun, but how did you know?!?

Earlier this week a package arrived from Japan, addressed to Barry, but the contents had to be fully disclosed on the customs label, so I knew exactly what it was. It was this:


It’s a Print Gocco PG-5. And thank goodness for the internet because all the books are in Japanese and, well, it just looks like Japanese to me. It is missing bulbs and screens, and only has one color of ink, so my birthday party is a trip to the art supply store to get things so I can get cookin’. WOO-HOO!!

(We have had a busy week. It was Brenna’s birthday this week too, so stay tuned to get the low-down on that.)

One thought on “Go-go Gocco!

  1. Happy Birthday!!!
    What a lovely present you got… I’m sure you’re going to make beautiful things with it!!

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