making art

I’ve been inspired by Lisa’s posts of her daily drawings, and so I thought I’d take a stab at it this school year. I adhere to the educational philosophy of “it’s you, not them.” My real responsibility is for my own education–and in order to teach my kids that they, in turn, bear the responsibility for their own educations I need to be learning and making during school time. So, here’s week one of drawings. Here in writing I’m only requiring myself to do 3 a week, but this week I have 5. You know, it’s new and the motivation is high :)




They’re all small, about 6″x6″ give or take, on scraps of printmaking paper using watercolors and a regular old #2 pencil.

My other mom school work is working on the Womanhood Course in a new organization called The Art of Womanhood.

7 thoughts on “making art

  1. I love them. I was so excited you had a new post and even better that they were your beautiful art. I really love them!!! I think yours are way better than Paige Williams :-)

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