shop update!!

Once upon a time I started an etsy shop. Anyone remember? I never even got around to stocking it for the holidays, though I did make some handprinted paper for covers.


Well, I finally turned all that handprinted paper into books.


I think I’ve got my second wind here. It seems that I start to feel good the last month of each pregnancy. I have energy, don’t need a nap every day, feel full of ideas… And let me tell you, I am SO thankful for that! I’ve had horrible hip and sciatic nerve pain since I started showing. A month ago I was seriously afraid that I was not going to survive until March, or at least have to get a walker or a wheelchair. That was the worst of it, and it has been uphill since the second week of January or so. Now I’ve even had the energy to swim laps a couple of times a week. Oh– the freedom of swimming while pregnant! There isn’t anything as liberating, that I can think of, except laying on your stomach right after the baby is born.

So, now I need to order newborn diapers, buy some onsies and a few clothes, and find a blankie (or mi-mi, as my kids call them). Each of my kids sleeps with a receiving blanket from Gymboree. They are sooo soft and snuggly. I think this time I will be shopping from right here instead of braving the mall. I think I’ll take a look right now…

2 thoughts on “shop update!!

  1. I wish I would have been more productive when I hit that “nesting” phase. I did ridiculous things like vacuuming the garage and laundry room. What a spaz.

  2. I found your site via Blair’s Wise Craft a few days ago. I *hearted* your etsy shop right from the get go – I love pretty little paper crafts and had SO many journals growing up. Blogging has taken the place of that, at least for me, but perhaps I can go back to writing my most secret thoughts into something nice . . .

    Cheers to you, and glad to know you are feeling better in your pregnancy. It’s never easy (I have three!).

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