patch of clover


It seems my time to sit and draw as grown very sparse. I did get a close look at the clover growing between rocks near our back patio. The autumn air is crisp and refreshing. The leaves crunch. The clouds of starlings have left the neighborhood– only stragglers remain on telephone wires. I saw a cardinal today as we walked. He was so red against chartreuse and yellow locust leaves. I need to buy some sunflower seeds so that I can see him at my window. I’m glad he will stay to brighten the gray skies of winter.

2 thoughts on “patch of clover

  1. how is looking kinda dreary around here to..i haven’t been graced by a visit from such a beautiful bird yet. *sigh* Autumn is here..and soon the season ..gulp..snow which has its own beauty.

  2. I love autumn. It’s my favorite season and then it’s followed by winter, my second favorite…the seasons here are so lovely…

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