It’s been a long, long time since the seedpod blog has had a make over. Now is as good a time as ever, huh?

My genius husband is so good at taking my ramblings like, “I think printmaking paper and linen would be cool. You know, somehow have the deckle edge showing. Oh, and I need to put a maple helicopter from the Japanese maple. I want it just life size, sitting on the paper. But, it didn’t grow any seeds this year because the weird spring weather. I think I have some saved, though. How about handwriting? With sewing?”

Thank you, Barry!!

I think it is about time we crafty bloggers started a campaign to thank our computer genius husbands. I know I’m not the only one who can’t really figure anything computer-y out, but has a husband who can work his programing magic. So, I’m making a proposal:

How about we start a club? The Craft-Blog-Husband Appreciation Club. I’ll draw up a badge tonight.

Then have my Craft-Blog-Husband help me figure out how to put it on my site.

5 thoughts on “ALL NEW!

  1. I like your new layout…however I’m not able to read everything–it looks like some overlapping is occuring on the right side…at least on my computer…I know that you use a different type of computer–perhaps that is why?

  2. OK, false start, but I think we recovered gracefully. It wasn’t a Mac issue, just an Internet Explorer issue. Hopefully you now all see what we do!

  3. It looks awesome with Firefox! I’m in with the club. Although my husband knows less about this stuff than what I’ve managed to figure out. He lets me blog while he watches the baby.

  4. I LOVE the look here-love it!!!!!

    My husband is trying to figure out how to do my webpage. I am so grateful for him.

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