The word has come from the powers that be that we will be moving to (drum roll please…..)

Denver, Colorado!!!

Hurray for mountains!!  Hurray for the west!!  Hurray for new adventures!!   We’re scheduled to leave Ohio the last week of May.  Wish us luck on the figuring out of housing stuff (selling, buying, renting, etc. etc. etc.).  I’m praying to find a good homeschooling community and a friend(s) with kids the ages of my kids.  If you home school and are reading my blog and are in the Denver area let me know!!!

12 thoughts on “::NEWS FLASH::

  1. With the lovely weather we have now in Huber it should be prepping you for Denver. Just look outside and imagine seeing mountains all around you. WaLah–Denver!

  2. Congratulations! What a fun move! So quickly too – I’m sure you will be greatly blessed with everything! I’ll miss you!!

  3. That’s exciting! Denver not Colorado Springs??? I know your mom will be happy to have you closer! Good luck with everything!

  4. WOW! I’m sure your glad to finally know where you are going. You will have a great time there , I’m sure. I will miss you so much!!!

  5. Congratulations! We’ll miss you – tons! We’ll probably get to see you here and there. Bruce has a brother that works in Denver and lives right outside that we visit off and on. Maybe I can hook you guys up. They don’t homeschool but they probably know people who do. Their kid’s school districts are year-round.

  6. First time to your blog. I love your nature photos that were mentioned on Soule Mama’s blog.
    I lived in Denver when I was fist married. I am from UT. I expected Denver to have mountains. I was surprised at how flat it was. Still the rain in the summer and the sun in the winter are nice.
    I am “Moronish” (as my daughter calls it, since we recently moved back to UT), and I am a former homeschooler of 9 years.

  7. Yippee!!! Somewhere out west with mountains nearby. I’m excited for you and a little bit jealous at the same time. I still miss you and the wonderful companionship we had as we worked together in RS. RS just isn’t the same without you. Thanks for showing me that perfect partnerships are possible.

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