seeing what happens

The first Summer Mom School discussion podcast is posted over at  the Summer Mom School blog for those of you interested.  It was great to meet and chat with Carol and KateHow Children Learn was a book I loved revisiting.

Jonah has been wanting to make an invention for quite some time.  After rummaging through the garage and basement he knew just what he wanted to make.


The kids rigged up a pulley off the deck down to the lawn, complete with a bell to ring when things were ready to come down.  Then one day the whole contraption mysteriously disappeared.  I figured they were just ready for something new, but then I noticed a big scrape on Brenna’s shoulder blade.  “What happened there?” I asked.

“Um,” she said sheepishly, “I was standing in the pulley bucket and pulling myself up with the rope.  Then I got so high I didn’t know what to do.  I was  totally stuck.  I held on for a long time, then the bucket tipped backward and I still held on, but finally my arms gave out so I went crashing down on the rocks.”

“Oh, so is that why you guys took the pulley down?”

“Yeah, it was just too tempting!”

I guess it was a first hand experiment in  gravity and that sometimes self control entails getting the temptation totally out of sight.

8 thoughts on “seeing what happens

  1. Wow! I’m so glad that Brenna is okay. That looked like a high place to drop from. But, as nothing serious happened it was a great lesson learned. Reminds me of the time I built a fire in my parent’s storage room…

  2. The things we do as kids are so crazy sometimes.
    We did something similar to this as kids. Our contraption was set up to get the dog (a toy poodle) from the upstairs window to the back yard, and then back up the fastest way possible. It ended up simply being a bucket attached to a rope that was let down from my bedroom window. On our first attempt the dog jumped out of the bucket as soon as it started to lower. The dog was fine but it sure gave us a scare. I don’t think mom ever found out about that one.

  3. I’ve been meaning to write and thank you for the book discussion. I’d love to join in for the rest of them too!

  4. awesome pulley – and how wonderful that she told you the whole story! :^)

    this reminds me of the time i thought i would step off from the hayloft and slide down to the ground on the old rope.

    the skin on my palms took a couple weeks to grow back…

  5. btw – wish i’d known about the holt book discussion earlier!!! 😀 what a great idea!!!

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