as July flies by…

July has been a crazy busy month.  Here’s a random listy update:

In Summer Mom-School news we’re going to go with option 3, so we’ll discuss Leadership Education August 1st and then tack on another day in September.

The 4th of July was wonderfully fun and laid back.  We just hung around the neighborhood, ate food, and set off our own fireworks.

Logan made a cake

happy birthday dear America!

Logie made a happy birthday America cake.  Dad added the sparkler.

Our trip has been full of visits with best friends

visiting best friends

visiting best friends

and cousins.

running cousins

Hunter and I were Barry’s cheering section at a mountain bike race at Brundage ski resort in McCall, Idaho.

the spectators

feelin' good!

He won his age category.  I sure married a super cool guy.

at the top

I sure love these mountains.  I guess it’s in my blood, but no matter where I’ve been or how long I’ve been away, the rocks and trees and rivers and lakes of Idaho just feel like home.  There’s no where that can compare.

5 thoughts on “as July flies by…

  1. I love your front pack carrier…what brand is it??? I am a new mommy and have an attached 3 month old (this next week!) and yet she is uncomfy in the sling type because she is very long/tall. How early can you put a little one in the kind that has a crotch in it?

  2. Aww! Great pictures! Wow, your kids are looking so grown up! And Congrats to Barry… that’s an awesome accomplishment. Sorry I’m not going to be involved in the mom school this time. We just moved a couple weeks ago, and I’m just trying to get some structure and routines going, and it just seems like one more commitment will just be too much right now. But I would definitely be interested if you do it again.
    Hope you’re doing well with your new calling and everything!

  3. Hey Jessica!
    Looks like you guys had a wonderful vacation time–I can’t get enough of the mountains and trees and rivers eithe–they are so wonderful.
    We have finally finished unpacking and our internet is finally hooked up. (Yea!) Also, my copy of The Well Trained Mind just came in. I’m excited to join in for that discussion!
    ps–tell Barry Hooray from us! So cool!

  4. gewidymeh

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