veggie pickin’


Our homeschool group took a trip up to an organic farm in Platteville CO to get a taste of what it is really like to harvest your own veggies. (Most of these pics were taken by Brenna.)

see the tractor?

We rode in the trailer behind that tractor up there.  They took us from field to field where we stooped down in search of potatoes, cabbages, beets, turnips, artichokes, carrots, onions, corn, pumpkins, celery, squash…


out in the field

big carrot

It was hot, sweaty work, but we came home with quite a load!

the loot

And Hunter had another cozy day of hours spent in a Sweet Pod. (The pattern writing is coming along nicely, just have to finish some illustrations and I’ll be ready for some testers!)

baby wearing

There was also some crazy fun things for the kids to play on back at the home base.


 dirt sled

dirt sled

fire truck


pedal tractor


4 thoughts on “veggie pickin’

  1. What a fun day and that sweet pod sure looks great. It makes me want a little guy again; just so I can carry him around.

  2. I hope your kids realize someday how lucky they are to have such a wonderful family with a wonderful mom that provides all these opportunities. All looks way fun! Brenna is looking so TALL there on that go-cart!! Wow.
    Love you all!!!

  3. I love the Logan/Ian shot and Jonah’s look on the dirt board. And then there is Ian watching Brenna go down that hill. (That’s an interesting “slide.”) All of them: Cute, Cute.

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