in search of fall

Friday evening Jonah wanted to plan a hike.  Brenna was off at a birthday party, so we loaded up the boys and let Jonah decide where we would go.

And we looked for fall.

in search of fall

The nights here in Colorado have cooled off, but our days have stayed near 90 degrees.  Our outside time has been relegated to the evenings when the air has that changing feel and smell, when you almost need a jacket.

castlewood canyon

scrub oak acorns

We found some hints of autumn– yellowing leaves, piles of acorns from the scrub oaks,

finding fall

and just a hint of red.

There were signs of summer holding on too.  The snake weed is still green and crisp

snake weed whistles

and noisy.


I hope you all had a good weekend.  I did.  I got a lot of work done on my SweetPod Saddle Bag pattern.  Primarily because my computer genius was home to help me scan and edit my illustrations and other computer geniusy stuff like that.

It was also General Conference.  Not only did I get a break from the busy-ness of running Primary (the children’s program at church) today, but my cup was filled with wisdom and peace as we listened to a prophet of God remind us to be thankful.  And you know what, I am thankful.  I’m living my dream– married to a superhero and blessed with 5 beautiful, perfectly healthy children.  I live in such comfort and ease and I tend to take it all for granted.  Tonight I want to thank you, dear readers, for coming here and reading this.  For giving me a reason to share my everyday and in a small way alleviate some of the isolation that can sometimes come from being a homeschooling mom to a large family.  Thanks for letting me show you the stuff I make and saying nice things to me.  I really appreciate you all– those of you I know in real life, and those of you I don’t.

So, I just want you to know I’m thankful for you.

What are you thankful for today?

5 thoughts on “in search of fall

  1. You. I’m thankful for you. And I’m thankful you do this bloggie journal with pictures and wonderful words. I love you so. Hope you have a good day.

  2. I am grateful for my sweet little girl. I am grateful for this overseas adventure we are about to embark on. I am grateful that Hailey and I can come stay with Jeff for a few weeks while he’s in training so that we don’t have to miss him for nine whole weeks.

  3. I was thinking, well we know each other in real life, but then I realized we don’t. Holy cow. We need to change that.

  4. I love that your posts are always uplifting and sincere, and many of them I can relate to personally–you are a great source of inspiration! I’m thankful for so many things too, but I think most of all I’m thankful for family!

  5. I am thankful for the friends we have all over the world (to include Colorado).

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