No Manners Dinner 2011

On April Fool’s day we’ve started the tradition of holding our “No Manners Dinner.”  We have breakfast for dinner and get random kitchen implements to use as our plate, fork, and cup.  Here are some highlights from this year…

April Fool's

April Fool's

April Fool's

April Fool's

April Fool's

April Fool's

This year one of Brenna’s friends stayed for the fun.  We decided that next year we should invite a family.  Would you come?

(Click here to remember last year, if you’d like.)

6 thoughts on “No Manners Dinner 2011

  1. Oh darn it! I bookmarked last year thinking we’d do it in ’11 and of course completely forgot. Love this, going to try to remember in ’12. Remind me? ;op

  2. we would love to come if we ever get out there that time of the year! Jason said so cool! Becca thought it looked like fun!

  3. We would totally come! We haven’t had a no manners dinner since Echo died. Susan prefers a fancy Christmas Eve dinner. This gets me thinking, though…maybe we could do a no manners dinner in our own little family on April Fool’s Day, just like you! Since I’m not a big fan of practical jokes, this is the perfect way for me to celebrate the day. :)

  4. I thought about you guys and the fun you had last year. We would come, of course if we lived closer! Very cool.

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