a finger and a blankie are all she needs

a blankie and a finger are all she needs

Eva has taken to sucking her finger and we think it’s the cutest thing.  She holds her blanket up to her face with her right hand and sucks her left pointer finger.  None of our other kids would ever really suck on a pacifier, let alone a finger.  It’s so adorable.  (I know it might not be when she’s 5 years old, but it sure is now at 4 months.)

It’s a good thing I made her some more blankies for Christmas– one side snuggly flannel and the other side silky voile from Anna Maria Horner’s Little Folks line.  If I were a better blogger you’d know that I LOVE the voile that several Free Spirit Fabric designers have prints on because I have made several things out of its silkiness (a School House Tunic, a shirt for Brenna, a shirt for me), but only about a third of the things I make ever get blogged about, so you’ll just have to take my word for it.  I love that fabric and I love that my sweet little girl likes to tickle her face with it as she sucks herself to sleep.

4 months

Our little princess is another month older.  Her new favorite thing to do is hang out in the jumper.  It’s so much of a favorite that she will jump for over an hour at a time.  That is a  l o n g  time when you’re just 4 months old.  We loaded her up today and Logan wanted to be the photographer.

4 months in the jumper

Most of his photos turned  out like this:


which gives you an idea of the vigorous hand flapping and bouncing that was going on.   (The rest of the photos I took.)

This jumper was mine when I was a baby, then used by my 4 brothers, and now all 6 of my babies (and a nephew too).  It is THE favorite baby toy of all the babies I know who’ve tried it.  The amazing thing is that they are so quick to figure out just how it works and are jumping and flapping away in no time.

just the cutest thing ever

This baby of mine is such a cutie.  She’s a big rolly-polly cutie.  At 3 months she was 15 1/2 lbs, so I’m guessing now she’s probably about 17.  That’s about the same as all 4 of my boys at this age too.

love those chubby arms and hands

I brought out the tub of size 6-9 month clothes today.   It’s fun to have new things to dress her up in– and much easier to get bigger sleepers zipped.  Just look at those rolly-polly arms.

4 months today


3 months




Eva is 3 months old today and we are on the road for our Thanksgiving trip. I can’t even put into words how cute she is! During this last month she has been much happier. I guess she’s realized that life on the outside is fun– there are so many people to smile at and talk to.
I’m blogging from my phone somewhere on the highway in Utah. Oh, the marvels of modern technology– one of the countless things I’m thankful for this week. Here’s to good weather, safe travels, lots of knitting ( thanks to Barry for doing all the driving), and time with good friends and family!
Happy Thanksgiving all!

a pilot cap and booties

pilot cap and booties

The very first knitting I finished for Eva was this pilot cap and these little booties.  It was actually my road trip knitting from our trip to Idaho in June.  I intended for them to be the first thing we put on her after she was all dried off from being born, but the hat ended up being too big for a fresh newborn.

It fits great now, at 2 1/2 months.   On our way out the door to go grocery shopping yesterday I snapped a couple of quick photos of it in use.

pilot cap

pilot cap for princess purple

The booties, on the other hand, are almost too small now.  They’ve seen a whole lot of use.  I love booties that tie on because they STAY on.  Socks just never do the trick.  These have been in constant rotation since the day she was born, along with the pink booties I ended up knitting to be her very first.  (You can see them in this post.)

the booties

I used the Lil’ Midi Bean pilot cap pattern (found through Ravelry, of course) .  The booties  are Christine’s Baby Booties which is such a wonderfully simple pattern I think I could do it from memory now.  The yarn is a bamboo/silk/merino blend made by Crystal Palace that is so soft.

I guess you’d say I’m in the knitting mood.  I have my green Febraury Lady Sweater nearly done! (I’ve been working on it since January.)  Hopefully it will make it on the blog soon.