a sneak peek

Here’s a project I’ve FINALLY finished. I’ll have to post more details about it later…

blanket closeup

I was hoping that I would be posting amazing photos of my bed adorned with a new Denyse Schmidt quilt beneath a wall of freshly framed Karl Blossfeldt photogravures, but alas… my quilt is backordered. Which is okay, but I wish they had told me that fact when I ordered it and not over a week later when I was expecting it to be here. What a let down!

and now the wait…

postcard swap

My Little Mochi has organized her second post card swap, and I got in on it this time. I’ve had ideas swimming around in my head about making art experimenting with transparency and layers and sewing and torn edges, but I have a hard time getting myslef to do it unless I have an assignment.


So, the assignment is:
10 postcards
saying Happy New Year
with a dog somewhere (for the Chinese year of the dog)

I get to send them to Sweden, Ireland, Australia, Hawaii, to name a few.

I’ve got a few more to finish, which I’ll do in my hotel room in peace and quiet as I travel to Denyse’s workshop this weekend.

See ya when I get back!

Denyse Schmidt quilt along

I’m actually working on something! Actually two things.


Here’s the beginnings of “One Tote Fits All.”

And I decided I needed a bag based on “Big Zig.” I’m very excited about the fabrics. Brown corduroy, pink cotton, and an Amy Butler lining!


Since I just haven’t been able to fit in a big quilting project, though I really want to, I can do these bags in between hexapi :)

over and out

bunnies stamped.jpg

stamps.jpgbirds stamped.jpg

Well, school today was “watch mom cut.” I put my new tools from Margie to work and made some stamps. We’ve had little wrens in the japanese maple right out of our dining room window. They are so cute with their tails straight up. I love having a yard with trees. I love my dining room window. I love the wrens and cardinals and chickadess and gold finches and other feathered visitors just as we sit at our kitchen table. Oh, yeah, stamps– that’s what this is about. I made some wrens, and of course, some bunnies. It’s fun to be a printmaker again, even if it is just stamps and not anything glorious and artsy. I need more ink colors. As much as I love brown, it’s just not doing it for me here.

So, back tack II has come full circle for me. I made a bag and craft kit, I received a bag and craft tools, I sent a bag, and I used my tools. What a fun game to play!