Brenna’s Birthday Bear

Meet Buttercup.


On Brenna’s birthday we spent the day making this little bear. She’s made from a fluffy throw I found at Marshal’s. It is almost too soft to describe. Brenna thought this bear needed to be seen by the internet, so she took her little Buttercup on a photo shoot.


Now Brenna is not the only one in this house that loves to sit in the living room and read ALL DAY LONG :)

Birthday Bot

Last night I put my 3-year-old-Jonah to bed and in the most dramatic fashion said good night to him forever. No more 3-year-old-Jonah, because today he turned 4!

He’s into robots and legos and transformers and all things buildable, so we’re having a robot party on Saturday. Last night I just needed to make him something and came up with this guy to fit with the whole robot theme.


I’m glad he turned out. Not bad for an hour or so of work on the spur of the moment. Jonah was sure excited about him this morning and Logan is very jealous.

He didn’t have a long list of friends to invite, so with his coaching I drew pictures for his invitations.


I’m still not 100% sure exactly what we will be doing at this robot party besides eating cake and ice cream. I still have tomorrow to figure it out!

remember this guy?


I designed the pattern for a plush toy how-to book being published by Lark Books and in stores this spring/ summer. I got my check in the mail last week and this morning I clicked away at (thanks for the heads up Dayna) and got this:


I’m plugging away at my nesting and beautifying. My room is the 1st place I see when I wake up and the last place I see at night, so that’s my starting place. I’m filling it with things I love, that are beautiful, that mean something… so that I’ll have a refuge.

This is the week of recovery, and discovery :)