How to wear a Sweet Pod

sweet pod cover

I think the SweetPod pattern is almost ready!  My testers are almost done making theirs and have sent me super helpful notes and corrected all of my “should”s that should have been “shoulder”s.  Raelyn and Jessica, you’re awsome!

I have been wanting to get “How to Wear a SweetPod” vidoes or photos done for ever, but when kids are occupied the baby is also asleep, or when my husband is home he would really rather do something else.  But, with my testers just about ready to put their carriers to use it seems totally necessary to get something up– even if it can only be from my family room using the webcam.

So, here’s a peak into our home– and me telling you how to use a SweetPod with the help of 5 children and a dog.

 Check it out:

Front carry:
Back carry:

Taking it off:

Using the sleeping hood:

Rolling it up: