creek school

The weather has been beautiful, but too hot to just play outside without something cool and refreshing, so we declared this week Creek School.

in the creek

We’ve journeyed down to the open space with buckets and intentions to stay all day.

5 year old feet

Logan had the camera for a while.  There were lots of pictures of feet

creek school

because shoes were too big of a hassle.

 creek school

I think my very favorite thing I heard was, “Mom, let me introduce you to Grandpa Tweezers.”

Grandpa Tweezers

Grandpa Tweezers!  Well, can you think of any better name for a crayfish?  Grandpa Tweezers is the embodiment of everything whiskery and pinchy.  I guess there was a Great Grandpa Tweezers, but he was way to fast and tweezery.


But someone’s littered socks did a lot of finger protecting.

bucket full

Hence the bucket full of grandchildren.

Hope you have a great long weekend and squeeze every last drop out of what is left of summer!


2 thoughts on “creek school

  1. I love the feet pictures, especially your feet with the sandal tan lines. Looks like a perfect way to spend the last days of summer!

  2. That looks like where we played when we visited Bruce’s brother and sister-in-law several years ago. That was a ton of fun!

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