up close

up close

Potty– and shameless bribery.  I got a Buzz Lightyear that lives on the a moire and comes down when there’s tinkle in the potty.

up close

A trip to the zoo.  Last week– highs in the 30s and 2 feet of snow.  This week– highs in the 70s.  Colorado– where you can have all 4 seasons in one week!

up close

A welcome, quiet moment to sit and feed my baby.  The only way he’ll let me hold and snuggle him these days.

up close

Blue skies and evening light.

up close

Just a little late night quilting.


Life seems so very, very full these days.  School time, field trips, music lessons, church responsibilities, not to mention diaper changes, feeding people, and trying to dig through the ever accumulating pile of laundry.  But it’s joyfully full– baby squeals, spinning, and jumping, “look what I made,” reading aloud.  When I think of the things that my life isn’t full of I am oh so grateful.  Bring on the laundry– of it comes required with all these sweet blue eyes my life is full of, I can take it.