a birthday boy

We’ve had a couple of birthdays in our family.  One a month ago, one a week ago.

About a month ago my littlest boy turned 3.  He’s a rough and tumble, imaginative little guy.

he's got the force

These are the only pictures I have on my camera of his big day.  We went to Monkey Bizness as a family to celebrate and I think all the photos and videos are on Barry’s phone.

the darth vader face

These are quintessential 3 year old Hunter pictures, though.  He is in costume almost every waking moment.  Either that or in pajamas.  He’ll get dressed and ready for the day and then the next time I see him he’ll be back in his jammies.  If his Darth Vader t-shirt and red pants are clean (clean is a relative term here, read “not so crusted in filth that they still feel comfy”) he’ll leave them on for the whole day.  He will not wear stripes.  I bought a few new clothes at Gymboree a few weeks ago and he would rather die than wear the striped shirt I got him.  Stripes are not cool.  Darth Vader is cool.  Spider man is a distant second.  Stripes do not even register.

in full view

The Darth Vader costume was made by my friend Jodi.  It is awesome!  We visited her and her family for an evening over Thanksgiving and Hunter came downstairs in the full Darth Vader costumer.  Jodi thought he was so cute (her son had outgrown the costume) she sent it home with us!  (as well as a Bobba Fett costume and a Storm Trooper helmet)   How sweet and generous is that?  Hunter loves it and wears it everywhere I will let him.

I do draw the line at the helmet and cape, though.  Just the suit gets to go to the store.

Oh, 3.  So fun.  So hilarious.  So exhausting.


a new year

views from my basement

views from my basement

views from my basement

views from my basement

(So, these pictures are completely unrelated to what I’ve written here today, but they sure make me smile.  I love that my basement is Thor’s motorcycle course.  I love that Ian has all his clothes on backwards.  I just love it so much I can hardly stand it.)

It’s the end of the first day of the year and I feel like I need to just sit and write something. 2011 was good. I grew a baby, fell deeper in love with my husband, watched my children grow into more of themselves. I feel privileged to be here to witness it all.

I’m also feeling like there is more growing I need to do, like I’ve been in a state of stagnation, like I need to push a little deeper and grow into more of myself. I’ve never been one for New Year’s resolutions (generally because I’m horribly inconsistent and not super good at following through on things) but I do believe there is power in putting things in writing so I’m just going to make a list of things I want for this new year.

  • I want to read more– to have meaningful things to think about.
  • There are three things I want to do just about every day– scripture study, yoga, and writing.
  • I want to design fabric.
  • I want to feel like I’m using my time just as God would have me use it– to end each day with no regrets.
  • I want to stop comparing myself to others.
  • I want to stop worrying about what others think of me.
  • I want to feel confident that the relationship I have with each of my children is just what it should be. I want to feel confident that there is no doubt in their minds how much I love them.
  • I want to organize and decorate my home with beauty and intention– filling it with things that are beautiful, meaningful, and useful.
  • I want to be a source of inspiration for someone- to somehow make another’s life better by something I say or do.

I’m sure I could go on. There is always so much room for improvement. I have t his mantra I often repeat to myself

Be content and reach.

Be happy with the place you’re at, but always, always keep trying to be better.

How about you? What do you want for the new year?


to bring in the weekend

I thought I’d share some of Hunter’s new moves.  He’s figured out how to find the songs he likes on the iPod in the kitchen.

climbing to the iPod

to the side


the first move


Now it’s time for the weekend.  I spent my day mopping my floors for the first time since Eva was born.  I’m trying to get ready to bring out the Christmas stuff, but I feel like we need to do some major organizing and decluttering first.

What do you have planned for the weekend?  I’m hoping to wander through the Holiday Handmade craft fair, get books put on the proper shelves, and maybe Christmasify the mantle.  Oh, and get a post or two together about our Thanksgiving trip.

homemade paint

Have I mentioned that my 2 littlest boys are like little tiger cubs– constantly chasing and pouncing and wrestling each other?  Running and squealing and slamming doors?  As happy as I am that they love each other so much, it is exhausting trying to keep them from doing real damage to people and property, and the hugging and kissing of bonked heads, fat lips, and squished fingers is near constant.

homemade paint

We spend lots of time outside.  They wade for hours in their little inflatable pool on our back deck where I can watch them from the comfort of my air conditioned kitchen.  But everyday I’ve tried to have some mom-made activity to keep them calm and absorbed for an hour or so.  Lately that’s been painting.  Usually with watercolors,

homemade paint

but they use them up so fast (it’s all about the process for them, not the finished product) that I decided to try making some paint the other day instead.

homemade paint

I used the recipe found over at Small Things.  It made a lot of paint!  I’ve got four 8 ounce jelly jars of it in my fridge.

homemade paint

It’s at the ready so I can have an hour or so of peace…

until clean up, at least.