the homemade Christmas gifts :: 1

So, has it really been since December 11th that I last posted?  Sheesh!  I’ve been so caught up in creating stable scenery for the ward Christmas pageant, a husband with Strep throat, sleepless nights with puking children (and parents), other intestinal problems of which I will spare you the details (they’re not pretty, let me assure you), gestating of course, and last minute holiday preparations and gift making, that it never even crossed my mind to make a blog post.  There have been several days that I didn’t even take a glance at the computer.  So, now I’ll play catch up, posting this week about the handmade gifts we gave this year.

These are my favorite, and the last ones finished.



I have wanted to try my hand at making waldorf dolls for ages and ages, but Brenna has never been much of a doll player and it always seemed frivolous to just make one for myself.  But, this year I decided I’d make some for Brenna and Ian whether they’d really like them or not, just to indulge myself.  I ordered my pattern and supplies, and then got underway.

Good news is, they are some of the favorite gifts this year!  Ian’s Boy has been a constant companion since it was unwrapped.  He snuggles him, sleeps with him, feeds him, and just carries him around.  Brenna has left me little thank you notes all around and on Christmas day she kept telling me, “I just want to keep telling you thank you.  I can’t say thank you enough times.  I love her!”

thank you mommy!

So, I was up late on Christmas Eve stitching and trimming hair and finally realized that clothes just weren’t going to get made by morning.  Barry had been saying the entire week that I shouldn’t stress myself out and just give the kids naked dolls.  So, that’s what they got Christmas morning.  But– the nakedness didn’t last for long.  Look what I got for Christmas!!

proof of how incredibly spoiled I am

A sewing machine and a serger!!  Can you believe it?  I’m still in shock.   I quickly got to work and made some panties, diapers, and clothes.

Julie's clothes

Brenna even knit a hat, and made a coat and mittens for Julie so she wouldn’t be too cold here in Colorado.

friendswinter clothes

JulieBoy goes everywhere

I just can’t even put into words how excited I am at how well they’ve been received.

But, this isn’t all.  We were hard at work on some other hand made gifts as well.

Stay tuned!

12 thoughts on “the homemade Christmas gifts :: 1

  1. Wow Jess! Those dolls are adorable :) You always amaze me!
    Congrats on the new sewing toys… Barry is an awesome santa!

  2. Aww! I love your dolls. And that note from Brenna is too sweet! Isn’t it wonderful when kids are grateful and recognize the effort that goes into those hand made gifts?! I can’t wait to see what else you created!

  3. These are so cute! I’m so glad they loved them. This didn’t come through on my bloglines for some reason, so I’m glad you commented and I popped over! I can’t wait to make some clothes. Were they easy?

  4. Jessica,
    THe dolls are beautiful. I too have been wanting to make a Waldorf doll. But felt intimidated by them. But have resolved that 2009 will be the year I do it. I may call you if I get stuck then! Hope to see you around the Chapel or at book club soon!

  5. Wow!! I love the new sewing machines! What fun! I think it’s so neat that Brenna is sewing already. Ian is a blondie now! He is such a beautiful cherub!

  6. These are beautiful. You did such a great job on them. It makes me want to try. All my children would love one.
    Your Ian looks so big.

  7. Jessica, Those dolls are sooo darling! And can i just say WOW on the Christmas haul! Your mom told me on Sunday that I must check out your blog. How fun! Hope all is well. Paige says HI to Brenna!
    Smiles, JEN

  8. Seedpod Books and Art » 2009 » April » 06

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