3 months old today

I’m short on words this week.  I just realized it’s Friday.  How did that happen?  And how did my tiny newborn get so round and smiley?

3 months

hand dimples

sweet guy

forever wiggling

love the smiles

Hunter, you’ve sure turned our world upside down, and we’re glad you did.  You’re one lucky little guy to have so many arms to hold you and so many silly faces to make you smile. (I should have taken a behind the scenes shot here of Brenna the smile maker.  She did a great job.)

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


8 thoughts on “3 months old today

  1. He’s so sweet!! Time sure flies by… and it’s so neat that the kids help out so much. We had that here too, and I’m really grateful that they loved the new addition so much each time. :) Now, if we can all just make it through the teenage years…. :)

  2. give him a squeeze from all of us! and yes a huge squeeze to each of the other cuties! we miss you all!

  3. So cute.
    I love your comment “Hunter, you’ve sure turned our world upside down, and we’re glad you did.” I can just feel the love that he has surely brought to your home.

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