Brenna blogs:: finches

Ever since we put up our bird feeder, there has been more birds around the neighborhood (Team Sparrow who live in our big pine tree, some house finches, grackles, a few dark-eyed juncos, and one or two chickadees). I guess two house finches saw this as the perfect spot.   the wreath on our door Anyway, my next-door-neighbor-best-friend Holly was over to play and we decided to play out front. As we were walking out the door, Holly spotted something fly away when the door opened.  Then we saw it. The Nest.

Now, I mean today, mom went out to see if she could get a picture. This is what she found.

front door eggs We looked at a bird book and it says that one pair of house finches will breed up to 2-5 times a summer, and egg clutches are 2-6 eggs, and that our front-door eggs will hatch in 13-14 days.

Looks like we have new neighbors in the neighborhood!!

4 thoughts on “Brenna blogs:: finches

  1. So I can’t tell exactly where the nest is. Is it on top of the wreath? You’ll have to be careful not to slam the door!! Oh my, what fun if they can survive your busy household…

  2. The nest is on the top of the wreath. I haven’t seen the mama bird, but we hear her sometimes. Brenna thinks that she only sits on the nest at night and flies around looking for food in the day. She’s probably right.

  3. How exciting! I hope this bird hatching experience is better than the last one. So, are you avoiding the front door now, or is it business as usual?

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