Logan’s hat

Today I should be grocery shopping since the big kids are at their one day a week of school, but Logan and Ian are playing so well together and I finally got the fussy-fuss-bucket to sleep, so I’ll show you all what I finished during LDS General Conference this weekend.

new hat

I started this while I was hanging out in bed right after Hunter was born and have worked on it a row at a time since.  I was worried that it would have to be a hat for the cold weather next year since we had such a warm February and beginning of March, but the weather obliged my winter hat knitting and gave us some snow this weekend.

new hat

I got the pattern from ravelry which I was totally addicted to right before Hunter was born as I tried to find the perfect baby hat and booty patterns.  This pattern is the Rib-a-Roni by Jane.   I knit it up in super soft malabrigo kettle dyed yarn which I totally love.  The blue I got just for this hat.  The yellow was used for Julia’s hair.

I’ve got another homeschooling post or two in my brain, so that’s probably what the rest of this week’s post will be about.

Wishing for spring!!

the homemade Christmas gifts :: 2

Did a week and a half really just go by since my last post?  How did that happen?  I better get on the ball and finish posting about our handmade Christmas gifts before it is way too far past Christmas.

bears for boys

For weeks and weeks before Christmas Logan would say, “When I get the teddy bear you make me for Christmas then… (fill in the blank with things like “I’ll always wrap him up in my mimi.” or “you can make him a little dresser and fill it up with jammies and a swimming suit.”)   So, I had to oblige.  Brenna has been totally attached to Buttercup for 2 years now, but the boys had no mama-made toys to snuggle.  I haven’t got that swimming suit made, or any clothes for that matter, let alone the dresser, but they are the perfect night time snuggle companions.  Here’s where I found them this morning:


Jonah’s Teddy

chubby wubby

Logan’s Chubby Wubby


bread maker

making… bread with my littles.


laughing… at Ellie helping Brenna fold the laundry.

helpful laundry help

loving… that 15 minutes of quiet scripture study has become a consistent part of our daily routine.

quiet time

using… my craft space just a minute here and there– right in the middle of the action, just like I had hoped.

unpacked my sewing machine

It was one of those days I just needed.  Not totally smooth and predictable, I think it will be many, many years before I have a day like that, but the time flowed and we flowed with it, and I’m happy.

Attention all who will listen!!

new reader

We have a new reader in the house!  There’s nothing like a new set of BOB books to inspire this 4 year old to read, read, read.  It did help that Brenna and Jonah were at their one day of school this week, so Ian and I were a pretty captive audience for Logan’s new found confidence and skill.

attention all who will listen

And, it is only natural to document your reading triumphs with stickers and drawings.


They never cease to amaze me, these little people I get to live with.  They learn so readily, so naturally.  It always seems that when I’m up against a wall I can’t see over or around someone just makes it dissolve all on their own.  The job of patience that is mine is often so hard– but it always has its rewards.


The best kind.