the printed one

gocco dog on a new shirt

When I made this little batch of shirts for Hunter, Logan was insistent that he knew exactly what needed to be printed on this one, so I did what I could to make his vision a reality.  We got out my dusty gocco printer and the fabric inks, and just like that we were done.  It was one of those projects that made me wonder why I don’t do it more often– it was so quick and painless and made my Logan so happy and proud.

wearing it

one for logie

It is a rare thing to have something so potentially messy go so smoothly, but it sure is a happy day when things work out.  I think with a big brood of small people the more spontaneous projects are the ones that end the best.  For me, at least, when i plan and prepare I have way too much invested in the outcome to be adequately relaxed, patient and kind about the process.  Does this ring true for anyone else?  I need to somehow find a happy medium between the spontaneous and the planned so that there can be more happy collaboration between the kids and I.  How do you guys plan happy creative projects with your kids?

3 thoughts on “the printed one

  1. wow. do share the results! I would love to know the secrets too! its seems the more i try to make it work it flops! I guess it al fals back on the wisdom a mentor mom gave me once.. “don’t try so hard.. pray hard for the results to be happy ones” in other words hand up all things to your heavenly father and He will see it through to where He sees it fit! I know easier said than done! But still great advise!

  2. What a fantastic drawing I really love the expression on the face.

    I have done something similar with my niece once she drew the picture which I then stitched onto a top. Am very interested in how the printing process works.

  3. I think the key is to DO these fun things. You are really good at that. I need to do it more, it always seems easier to say “not right now.” I LOVE your shirts. they are so cute. Wishing for more energy to do something creative like that. Thanks for all the inspiration!

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