another shirt for the bub and how I bound it

one more shirt for the bub

I made a couple more shirts for Hunter and just totally love them.  While I was at it I thought I’d show you how I put the binding on them because all of the tutorials and instructions I’ve seen make it way more complicated that I think it needs to be.  Instead of sewing it on then folding it over and sewing it all again, I make double fold tape, sandwich the edge to be bound inside of it, and sew it on all at once.

First I cut my binding fabric into a 2 inch wide strip with the stretch going along the length of the strip.  Then I get out my handy dandy tool to press the edges of my strip into the center to make my binding tape.  (I have a super cheap Dritz 1″ tape maker, but it looks like they don’t make them anymore.  Clover does, though, and they’ve got cute colors on them.)

preparing ribbing for binding

ribbing pressed to bind some shirts

Then it’s ready to be sewn onto my project.  With the folded side up I just line up the edge of the fabric that I’m going to bind with the fold on the left,

one step binding

fold it over, and sew it on a little less than 1/8″ away from the edge.

one step binding

I like to move my needle over all the way to the left so I can center my binding under my presser foot.  I gently stretch the binding as I sew and cut it to length once I’m done with an edge.  I also tend to have more binding underneath than on top, so I don’t have problems failing to catch the binding underneath in my stitches.  Then it’s all done in one step.

pieces ready

This is the way I put the binding and ties on our Sweet Pea Pilot Caps too.  I also bind quilts this way (with quilt fabric, of course).  I’m all for quick and easy.

When sewing with knits keep in mind that you need to use a ball point needle in your machine.  That way you don’t risk snagging runs and making holes in your fabric and it slides through the fabric much better than a universal needle does.

Now for the pictures with the shirt on my model.

“Hunter, go sit in your seat so I can take your picture!”

find your sear so we can take a picture

new shirt

That works…

I’ll show you the other one tomorrow.

an envelope neck shirt and green shorts for inspecting ants

Being the fourth child to go through our boy clothes leaves Hunter wearing a stained onsie (or just a diaper) much more often than I’d like.  What I really want his summer uniform to be is a t-shirt (without crotch snaps) and a diaper– with some shorts to throw on when we need to go in public.

got one

I’ve got the first set done.  I used an old onsie to make the shirt pattern ( you can find a good tutorial for doing that here) and whipped it up out of some creamy cotton jersey knit I had on hand and leftover cotton ribbing from Ian’s batch of tinkle time trainers.  It ended up being shorter on him than I had planned, so I just added a band of ribbing at the bottom instead of hemming it.  I like how it turned out, but I’ll still make the next one longer.

a view of the whole outfit

His shorts I made by tracing a pair that fit well.  With the pattern drafting and all I think they took me an hour.  I think I’ll be able to whip another pair up in half an hour now.  That is, after I make a trip to restock my supply of elastic.

trying to cath 'em

Getting an adventurous toddler to stay still long enough to get photos of his new outfit is a challenge.  Thanks to the ants building a hill in the cracks on our front porch he stayed in the same place for more than half a second.

squat with toe grip

I love how babies squat– how their little toes grip the ground.  It’s the stance of concentration.  They can play like this for long stretches of time, but they’re at the ready to stand right up and hurry to the next thing.

inspecting an ant

Or look at things from a different angle.

In his everyday world this guy is the littlest one around.  He thoroughly enjoys being the big bad monster once in a while.  The ants, on the other hand, aren’t so sure…


tea towell embroidery

Here’s a little tea towel embroidery I did while listening to General Conference over Easter weekend.  The ever inspiring Geninne posted hers and she kindly obliged when I asked for a pattern, so I had to stitch it up.  Hunter likes to carry it around saying “buhr, buhr”.  I finally remembered to take a photo of it before it gets dirty and thrown in the laundry.

Hope your week is off to a good start!  I had a good morning walk with a friend and spied nearly 10 goldfinches!

sewing for little bums

The first thing I ever really researched and obsessed over using the internet was cloth diapers.  I figured it all out with help from many, many online cloth diaper users and sellers and makers, many of which aren’t around anymore, some who are under different names and locations.  My main source of information was the FAQs at the One Stop Diaper Shop (now Very Baby) and the Diaper Pin.  Anyway, back then I tried my hand at sewing some diapers, but it was a long process to get just one done without a serger or a snap press.

Just a few weeks ago Jessica came out with a one size version of her fitted diaper pattern with a snapless option, and since I do have a serger now I thought I’d give it a go.

Very Baby one size diaper

I learned that serging around curves is hard.  It is definitely something that needs more practice and time than I had to give it.  I made 3 with stretch terry on the outside and velour on the inside.  (I don’t know what I was thinking with my color choices, though.)  My chubby baby likes to pull them out of the laundry basket and bring them to me so I’ll put one on him.

Very Baby one size diaper

I’m a big fan of one-size diapers.  I absolutely loved my Mother Ease One-sizers when they were in their prime.  They lasted through 3 babies, but by the time they got to this guy they were scratchy and stinky.  Very Baby one size diaper

I’m not sure about the snappi fastener on these, though.  My climbing, running, climbing, dancing, climbing baby seems to get his diaper all wadded up.  If I could somehow find 2 days to sew I would get myself a snap press and push through making a dozen of these the real way.

I’ve also got another bum that needs covered.  We’re working on the potty learning here with Ian, but it’s a process.  I hate putting him in diapers, though, so I’m making him some Tinkle Time Trainers.  They offer more protection than the training pants you can find at Target, can snap off for messy accidents, but still feel like underwear.

tinkle time trainer

tinkle time trainer

I’ve got one done.  Let’s see how long it lasts today.

And let’s see how many more I can get done.