the homemade Christmas gifts :: 2

Did a week and a half really just go by since my last post?  How did that happen?  I better get on the ball and finish posting about our handmade Christmas gifts before it is way too far past Christmas.

bears for boys

For weeks and weeks before Christmas Logan would say, “When I get the teddy bear you make me for Christmas then… (fill in the blank with things like “I’ll always wrap him up in my mimi.” or “you can make him a little dresser and fill it up with jammies and a swimming suit.”)   So, I had to oblige.  Brenna has been totally attached to Buttercup for 2 years now, but the boys had no mama-made toys to snuggle.  I haven’t got that swimming suit made, or any clothes for that matter, let alone the dresser, but they are the perfect night time snuggle companions.  Here’s where I found them this morning:


Jonah’s Teddy

chubby wubby

Logan’s Chubby Wubby

math day

So, I’m not doing very good at posting every day.  And here’s another schoolish post, because, well, that’s what I do lately.

math day

Jonah figured out that he is exactly 2510 days old today.  I made my Montessori math bead materials last summer.  Traditionally they’re the “Golden Beads” but we opted for ruby.  After I made the thousand cube (Can you see Logan holding it?) I was pretty much burnt out on stringing beads on wires, but we still needed more 10s, 100s, and 1000s to really do all the math we wanted, so I made some beads I could print out.  If you’d like to print them yourselves, here they are in a PDF:

Math Bead Materials

They’re totally no frills.  You’ll have to figure out your own little fold-over tabs to hook the sides of your cubes together, but they do the job and get A LOT of use around here.  To make your 100s, just cut the squares apart, obviously.  The last page is 10s, in case you couldn’t tell.  If you’re really going to use these and need some units, leave a comment and I’ll make a page of those too.  I’m really just posting this on here to have something to post!!

I’m still hoping to get to some thing-making soon– like this weekend.  My batteries need some recharging and I’m realizing (once again) that my sanity and ability to cope directly corelates to the amount of creating I do.  What keeps you sane?

Verily I say… the fulness of the earth is yours, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and that which climbeth upon the trees and walketh upon the earth;

freshley hatched

a baker's dozen

make way for ducklings!

floppy and slimy

Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart;

(D&C 59:16, 18)


this is love

building a bug house

(building a rolly-polly house)

“Hey Logan, today is going to be a ‘Jonah day’ for you. You know why? ‘Cause I’m going to play with you all day long and be nice to you and make you breakfast and get you your me-me if you get sad.”


“I love you, Jonah…”



(spring hike at Charleston Falls)